
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Art of Radical Welcome: More Than a Word, A Spiritual Practice

In a world where kindness, warmth, and friendliness are virtues often spoken of but rarely examined, the idea of "welcome" takes on special significance. At its essence, welcome isn't just a phrase or a physical gesture; it's a spiritual practice that asks us to go beyond the superficial and confront our hidden beliefs, those silent parameters that define who we include and who we unwittingly exclude. Register here   Who Is Not Feeling Welcome? It's easy to believe that our spiritual center, congregation, or community is a welcoming space. After all, aren't we all kind-hearted individuals, seeking a better, more connected world? Yet, the practice of welcome asks us a poignant question: Who is not feeling that welcome? The Invisible Signs When someone walks into our center, they encounter not just the physical welcome sign but also a myriad of invisible ones. These invisible signs read: "You're welcome here, but only if you act like us, believe like us

Master Your Emotions: A Class on Purifying Anger and Pride Through Vajra Guru Mantra

Discover the Path to Emotional Balance and Spiritual Growth Are you struggling with feelings of anger or wrestling with pride? These emotional conditions are often the unseen culprits behind physical and mental discomfort. Join us for a special class that delves into using ancient Vajra Guru Mantra practices to neutralize and transform these energies. What You'll Learn: Anger – Neutralized by Vajra Ernest Holmes states that "worry, fear, anger, jealousy, and other emotional conditions are the hidden cause of a large part of all the physical suffering to which the flesh is the heir." In this class, you will discover techniques to harness the power of the syllable "Vajra" to transform your anger into a more peaceful state of being. Pride – Neutralized by Guru Pride is a complex emotion with both positive and negative aspects. Whether it manifests as hubris or a fulfilling sense of belonging, this class will guide you in using the syllable "Guru" to purif