
Showing posts from April, 2024

How Did I Learn to Trust Life?

For much of my life I had a hard time trusting. I didn't have good models of what healthy trust looks like when I was growing up, and I had many experiences that taught me that it wasn't safe to trust--especially to trust that Life was for me. This led me to want to be in control of everything! My emotions, my job, my friends, my romantic relationships, it doesn't matter what it was, I wanted to control it.  The challenge with this way of being is that it's a lot of work. And it's not really effective. I learned through much trial and error that it's not actually possible, or even desirable, to always be in control.  The spiritual practice that helped me move my excessively controlling ways is visioning . When we vision, we go into a meditative state and seek to connect with that wise, loving, and knowledgable core of our being. Psychology calls this core of us the Self, with a capital "S". Spiritual traditions have called it the Christ consciousness,