
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Economy of Spirit

  Eric Butterworth, the author Spiritual Economics, says, “The whole Universe is on your side. Life is forever biased on the side of healing, on the side of overcoming, on the side of success. When you get yourself centered in the Universal flow you become synchronized with this divine bias for good.”  In my own life, using the wisdom found in this textbook, I have a deeper consciousness of gratitude regardless of how my life unfolds. I am blessed with an interior richness of connection with Spirit that is always growing. And I find I have a deeper understanding of what spiritual prosperity means and how to live in a graceful state of gratitude. I’m so excited to share our upcoming class Spiritual Economics with you. The textbook has a lightness and vibrancy that holds treasures on every page. This is an experiential class with plenty of time for sharing and discussion as we explore the depths of what spiritual prosperity means in our daily lives. I hope you’ll join me. -Rev. Siota Cli

Being and Doing: The Practice of Selfless Service

Awareness of of Spirit and Love within us is the source of our creativity and success. No matter what is going on, no matter how our life unfolds, this sacred presence is always there. We may not know about it. We may not recognize it. Yet as Ernest Holmes described, “It is forever whispering in our ear.” All activity arises from the expression of our innermost being. When we act with a sense of compassion and care for others, we are actually sharing our Oneness with them.  As we become more aware of this Oneness and reflect it into our lives, no matter where we share of ourselves, we are practicing selfless service.  If this sounds interesting to you, join “Being and Doing-the Practice of Selfless Service” starting Tuesday, July 11 through August 1, in person at the Center from 6-8PM. In this class we will explore ways to enhance your own relationship with Spirit, to deepen your sense of Oneness, and strengthen awareness of your own state of being. As this awareness grows and deepens