
Why Take Classes at the Center?

  In addition to learning about the Science of Mind philosophy and how to apply it, being in a class is one of the best ways to enter more deeply into our spiritual community. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know people from many different backgrounds. Classes at the Center give you what you need to expand your knowledge of spiritual principles and to gain practical spiritual tools for everyday use. Our teachers are experienced practitioners of Science of Mind who love to teach and share the power that these teachings have to change lives. Classes combine experiential exercises with explanations of the principles of SOM practice. The home study portion of our classes are designed to inspire deeper understanding and love of spiritual principles and practical application. Much love, Rev. Russ Legear

The Power of Visualization with Dr. Edward Viljoen

Visualization is the practice of using your imagination to intentionally guide your life and expand your awareness toward your desired direction. Dr. Edward Viljoen will lead an afternoon workshop on this topic at the Center for Spiritual Living. We often use our imagination unconsciously, sometimes in ways that can undermine our goals. At this workshop, you'll learn to harness your imagination consciously, visualizing outcomes that resonate deeply and are meaningful to you and tapping into the energy that inspires and stimulates creativity. Join us to explore the art and practice of creative visualization. This workshop will provide insights on how visualization can effectively steer you towards your desired outcomes and include practical exercises to hone this skill. Details: Date: Sunday, June 2 Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Location: Center for Spiritual Living, in-person Instructor: Dr. Edward Viljoen Fee: Sliding scale from $20 to $50

How Did I Learn to Trust Life?

For much of my life I had a hard time trusting. I didn't have good models of what healthy trust looks like when I was growing up, and I had many experiences that taught me that it wasn't safe to trust--especially to trust that Life was for me. This led me to want to be in control of everything! My emotions, my job, my friends, my romantic relationships, it doesn't matter what it was, I wanted to control it.  The challenge with this way of being is that it's a lot of work. And it's not really effective. I learned through much trial and error that it's not actually possible, or even desirable, to always be in control.  The spiritual practice that helped me move my excessively controlling ways is visioning . When we vision, we go into a meditative state and seek to connect with that wise, loving, and knowledgable core of our being. Psychology calls this core of us the Self, with a capital "S". Spiritual traditions have called it the Christ consciousness,

The Power of Honoring Our Roots

When I first took Roots of Science of Mind, I was seeking a deeper understanding of this incredible  teaching brought to us by our founder, Ernest Holmes. But I received so much more. By reading the different authors that inspired Ernest, it allowed me to not only hear different ideas, it also allowed me to hear them in different voices. And having a full discussion in class each week about those authors let me hear my own synthesis and voice. It was like being handed spiritual clay that allowed me to sculpt my own spiritual framework and beliefs. The experiential exercises also gave me the opportunity to challenge myself and deepen my awareness of the Spirit within me, bringing a sense of joy and wonder to my day to day life.  In short, I found Roots transformative. I hope you will, too. I invite you to join me on Zoom starting on Tuesday, March 5th from 6 to 8:30pm as we learn the same way Ernest did. You can sign up for the class below--we also offer scholarships to help offset the

Is It Time to Get Clear on Where You're Going? Workshop with Dr. Edward Viljoen

Dear Friends, I'm thrilled to invite you to join me, Edward Viljoen, for an afternoon workshop designed to be fun and engaging and inspire focused attention as we journey towards what has heart and meaning for each of us. This two-hour workshop will delve into the art of setting intentions and how they can serve as a powerful roadmap for our creative energies.  Sunday, March 3, 2024 from 1 to 3 pm PT in-person What can help keep you focused? Together, we'll explore how intentions influence our thoughts, emotions, and efforts, helping us to stay aligned with what truly matters to us. You'll discover how setting intentions can be an enjoyable process that not only generates enthusiasm and creative thinking but also keeps us attuned to the supportive currents of life and the people around us. We'll look into the practical aspects of using intentions to enrich our daily lives, from the simple acts of kindness and cooperation to the larger dreams of career success or global

What's in the Minds of Spiritual Giants?

Dive into the "Roots of Science of Mind" with a dynamic 10-week Zoom journey, starting Tuesday, March 5, from 6 to 8:30 pm. Led by Christine Ruddy, RScP, this class is your ticket to exploring the minds of spiritual legends like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Troward, and Emma Curtis Hopkins. Unpack their groundbreaking teachings, see how they shaped Ernest Holmes' vision, and apply their wisdom to your life today. Ready to rock your spiritual world? Grab your spot for $220—discounts and scholarships await. Let's transform theory into practice and live the spiritual life we're meant for! Register here:

A sprinkle of imagination and a dash of playfulness to create your intentions

Ready to turn your daydreams into your roadmap? Dive into an electrifying workshop with Dr. Edward Viljoen where exploring your intentions isn't just insightful—it's the ultimate adventure for your creative spirit! Discover how setting intentions fuels your passions, keeps you aligned with your core values, and opens your eyes to the universe's backing. With a sprinkle of imagination and a dash of playfulness, we'll show you how to think outside the box and infuse joy into your goal-setting process. Let's make inventiveness your new normal. Get ready to brainstorm, laugh, and leap towards your heart's desires! Register here: Setting Intentions - Sunday, March 3, from 1 to 3 pm