Who Am I All The Time? The Spiritual Practice of Reflection

I am passionate about "The Spiritual Practice of ReflectionThe Spiritual Practice of Reflection," the two-hour workshop I will facilitate on Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00. Through several guided explanations and exercises with mirror work, the Principle of Oneness became clear to me. Now, I practice it daily, incorporating it effortlessly yet mindfully into my routine.

When I first came to The Center, I thought spiritual practices had to be formal and set aside for specific times each day. While they can be, I found this difficult. Through mirror work, I realized that I could feel and know I was one with the Divine each morning as I got ready for work.

My intention for this workshop is for participants to discover that they, too, can carry out the spiritual practice of reflection as they prepare for the day. Nearly everyone has access to a mirror and uses it to finalize their appearance before leaving. What we see reflected is superficial, but this workshop will help participants look deeper, allowing them to meet each day in a new way.

Using quotes from Ernest Holmes, I will briefly explain the importance of self-reflection and then ask participants to answer some questions in writing before we discuss them.

This workshop is experiential and interactive. Each participant will be given a mirror and guided to delve into who they really see as they look in the mirror. In the second hour, everyone will be given a prism, each side representing a unique manifestation of the Divine. We will explore questions before beginning another discussion. The prism symbolizes the shiny, diverse, multidimensional manifestations of Oneness, leading to the realization of Wholeness.

As the workshop comes to a close, I will lead a guided meditation where participants will look into each other’s eyes and see their own reflection—the Face of the Divine, embodying all the qualities of the Divine.

What a way to start each day with something as simple as a mirror!

Peggy Weber, RScP.  Teacher



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