Why I Love Teaching Spiritual Mind Treatment

“Spiritual Mind Treatment is the most profoundly deepening practice because it marries the mystical experience of Oneness to the metaphysical power of co-creation.”

This is a quote from the “Art and Science of Spiritual Mind Treatment” curriculum. I am excited to be teaching this course, as I love witnessing students as they discover the transformative power of Spiritual Mind Treatment. This course offers a thorough exploration of the 5 steps of treatment and the principles behind each step. It is an opportunity to cultivate a spiritual consciousness through the practice of this powerful form of prayer. I love guiding students in discovering what makes for the most effective treatment for them personally, such as, the best words and phrasing for affirmations, or connecting to the feeling ‘tone’ of each step.

Spiritual Mind Treatment is both an Art and a Science. It is truly a beautiful and inspiring experience to witness students as they benefit from the spiritual practice of this form of prayer. Spiritual Mind Treatment does, indeed, help us to develop our mystical connection to the One as well as transform our consciousness and facilitate practical changes in our daily lives.


The Art and Science of Spiritual Mind Treatment begins on Tuesday, May 2nd at 6:30pm on Zoom and is being taught by Practitioner Elias Owens. Have you ever listened to our brilliant Practitioners as they pray us in on a Sunday morning and wondered, "how do they do that?" If so, this is the class for you. You'll take a deep dive into how Spiritual Mind Treatment--otherwise known as affirmative prayer--works, and how you can learn the five steps and apply them to shift your consciousness and uplift your life. 

You can sign up for this class below:

The Art and Science of Spiritual Mind Treatment, Starting May 2nd on Zoom

And we have many more class just over the horizon, so stay tuned to this blog! We will add them here as well as on our website, cslsr.org, as they become available. Happy studying!


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