Vajra Guru Mantra: Dissolving the Blocks of Anger, Pride, Attachment, and Envy

Class Description: 

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey as we explore the profound teachings of the Vajra Guru Mantra. This sacred chant, linked to Padmasambhava, the revered spiritual master of the Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan, holds the key to unlocking profound insights. Guru Rinpoche, in the ancient syllable-by-syllable commentary, intricately unveils layers of wisdom through his conversation with his spiritual companion, Yeshe Tsogyal.

Our class focuses on a specific interpretation from this commentary—one that illuminates how each word of the chant holds the power to dismantle the barriers of desire, aversion, anger, pride, attachment, and envy.

A Fusion of Learning:

  • In-Class Study (Saturdays, 11 AM to Noon): Join us every week in a sacred space where we'll gather for an hour. Together, we'll engage in chanting practice and delve into Science of Mind teachings that correspond to each week's theme.

  • Home Study: From the comfort of your personal space, you'll be preparing for class by watching instructional videos provided by Dr. Edward. Your home study routine will also involve dedicating time each day to recite the mantra 108 times and journal your reflections.

  • Registration Link coming soon.

Class Outline: A Five-Week Journey

  • Saturday, October 7: The Deeper Significance of the Chant. Setting Intentions for the Course.

  • Saturday, October 14: Embracing Om Ah Hum: Unpacking Desire, Aversion, and Ignorance.

  • Saturday, October 21: Delving into Vajra Guru: Disentangling Anger and Pride. (Skipping a Week)

  • Saturday, November 4: Exploring Pema Siddhi: Liberating from Attachment and Jealousy.

  • Saturday, November 11: Navigating Hum: Illuminating and Transcending Emotional Afflictions.

Class Schedule:

  • In-Class Time: Saturdays, 11 AM to Noon

  • Estimated Home Study Time:

    • Review Video: 30-60 minutes (once)

    • Chant Recitation (108 times): 16 minutes (daily)

    • Journaling: Ongoing

Your Commitment:

To embark on this enriching journey, you'll need internet access to view class videos and chant recordings. Dedicate a daily 30-minute practice to chanting, and ensure you have a mala bead set (108 beads) or a bead bowl for counting. While immersing yourself in this experience, we encourage you to maintain a journal of your thoughts and feelings to share during our weekly class discussions.

Join Us:

Step into this transformative journey and liberate yourself from the mental barriers that hinder your growth. Join us for an exploration of the Vajra Guru Mantra starting on Saturday, October 7, from 11 AM to Noon. For inquiries and registration, please reach out to us at

Embrace the path of self-discovery and transformation. We eagerly await this journey of inner liberation with you.

Education Calendar - Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa (



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